مدونة العبقري التعليمية مدونة العبقري التعليمية

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9golden benifits of waking up early

«  The early morning has gold in its mouth » said Benjamin Franklin. The analogy by Franklin is by no means long drawn because getting up before the sun has many perks. hers, a list of reasons which will convince you to set your alarm for 5 a.m tomorrow.

9 golden benifits of waking up early

1- Get head start :

When you wake up at 5am, you start your day earlier than 99.9% of the world — hence giving you a head start in your day.


2- Increased productivity :

My productivity soars on the days I wake up early. It’s a benefit that comes from getting a head start — you feel motivated to continue your lead, resulting in (a) more things done and (b) things getting completed faster.

3- Timeliness :

Have you ever woken up late before and had to make a mad rush for your appointments? Being on time is important to create a good impression, and as a form of respect to the other party.


4- Self-mastery :

Waking up early is about self-mastery. As I mentioned above, there used to be many reasons that would thwart my waking early plans in the past. Reasons like working late, being out late, delaying my exercise till late at night, being on the phone… these reasons were a result of my lack of self-mastery. To wake up early, I had to learn to have a hold over these activities, which would mean becoming more organized and disciplined.

5- Peace and quiet :

The tranquility you get in the morning is indescribable. This tranquility comes in two levels. First, there’s the physical quietness. You are alone with no disturbance.


6- Faster commute :

If you travel to work/school, you can travel during non-peak hours and skip the traffic jams. This cuts down on the time spent on commuting, .giving you more time for other things.


7- Breakfast :

It’s common for people to skip breakfast because they woke up late and didn’t have time. However as they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.



8- Exercise :

Do you defer your exercise to the end of the day? Does your exercise plan happen according to plan or does it sometimes get rescheduled due to last minute changes? Waking up early gives you time to exercise in the morning.


9- Seeing the world wake up :

I love my morning jogs where I literally see the whole city wake up before me. I start my jog at about 6ish in the morning — when the sky is dark and there are few people on the streets and few cars on the road. As I jog, I witness the whole place coming alive. The human traffic increases and the traffic becomes heavier, steadily. The sky starts to lit up in different shades – first dark blue, then in gradients of purple, red, orange, and yellow, before sunlight starts to envelop the whole place. It’s a very beautiful experience. It’s amazing being an observer to the whole scene.


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مدونة العبقري التعليمية