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Different benefits of sports

Different benefits of sports

Want to feel better, add more energy and years to your life? Just exercise.

It is hard to ignore that the health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity. Everyone benefits from it, no matter what age you are, gender or physical ability.

Need more convincing to get started? Check if these benefits of exercises can increase your health and happiness.

I - What is a Sport 


Sport is a physical exercise or physical activity or effort carried out by a person that helps him gain physical fitness and is beneficial to health. Physical exercise stimulates the body to consume more energy than it consumes when performing its usual life activities so that this activity naturally and healthily affects the heart and respiratory tracts The heart rate increases even slightly, the difficulty in breathing increases significantly, and the secretions of the sweat glands increase.

Walking, cycling, swimming, housework, fitness exercises, shopping, and many other activities fall under the system of physical sports activities.


II - The Psychological Benifits Of Sport 

1- It improves the appearance and beauty of our bodies.

2- Increases our self-confidence.

3- Sport is the best weapon with which we kill negative leisure time.

4- It changes boring routines and helps us to feel pleasure, excitement and happiness.

5- It gives us greater discipline and control over stress and tension in our lives.

6- It can reduce the chance of contracting various mental illnesses, especially depression and other diseases.

7- It strengthens our immunity against various physical and social diseases.

8- It helps us sleep, treats insomnia, negative thinking and 




III - The Physical Benifits Of Sport 


1- Exercise strengthens the muscles of our bodies.

2- Exercise increases the appetite, and at the same time we get rid of the shortcomings of our diets by eliminating their damages and what is more than our body needs.

3- Sport strengthens the immune system in the human body, so it is the first line of defense against various forms and types of diseases.

4- Exercise increases blood circulation and metabolism in the body.

5- It helps the body to get rid of excess fats, and consumes extra calories than we need.

6- Sport protects us from chronic diseases such as heart disease, arteries, diabetes, cancer, and stroke.

7- It gives us an ideal weight on a plate of gold, and fights obesity that cause serious physical and psychological diseases.

8- Exercise helps the body to remove harmful toxins in a better way.

9- It slows down aging, and protects against diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer.

10- Exercise protects against joint problems such as osteoarthritis and orthopedic problems and increases its strength and flexibility.




IV - The Mental Benifits Of Sport 


1- Sports can help improve your concentration and keep you mentally sharp as you age.

2- Increases memory strength; Because it increases the activities of the brain positively.

3- Sport reduces distraction.

4- Sport increases students academic ’achievement, keeps boredom from dry curricula, and increases students’ social and mental growth, so schools try to pay attention to sports activities during school hours .. Not only that, but there are many major companies in developed countries such as Japan that require Of its employees to do a joint sporting activity before and during work; In order to increase the capabilities and productivity of its employees and break the routine that may bored them.

5- Sport stimulates the mind and increases intelligence of all kinds, especially social intelligence and psychomotor intelligence.


V - The Social Benifits Of Sport 


1- Sport positively affects social relations within the family because most family problems result from life's worries and pressures, as well as from leisure time, especially during holidays. Therefore, sports activity strengthens relationships within the same family. Each other in order to increase the bonds of love between them all, and to protect them from the problems of lethargy, darkening and long sitting in front of modern technology, which brings many health tragedies in the short and long term.

2- Sport teaches people to respect laws, rules and regulations; Because most sports have fixed laws and rules that must be adhered to.

3- Sport increases social intelligence, because it helps you to form friendships and strong social relationships with many people, such as competitors, colleagues on the same team and coaches.

4- Sport also saves society from very dangerous pests such as smoking cigarettes, alcohol and drug addiction, committing immoral crimes that result from mental illnesses, and the abundance of negative void, especially among unemployed youth.

5- Sport gives people wonderful qualities, such as patience, endurance, self-confidence, willpower, perseverance, vigor, leadership, values ​​of honest competition, cooperation, planning, and altruism.


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