مدونة العبقري التعليمية مدونة العبقري التعليمية

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Walking health benefits

Walking health benefits


     Sport is known as the physical activity that a person performs to maintain healthy body, strengthen the bones and  joints, and prevent diseases, walking is one of the most important and easiest types of sports that are easy for a person to practice, and it is an enjoyable sport that doctors recommend exercising on a daily basis even for a short time, because as we know, walking helps us to get rid of negative energy, it provides many health benefits for all ages.

 And among the most important health benefits of walking are the following:


·       Burning calories:

 Walking helps burn calories, which leads to lose weight, and the rate of burning calories depends on several factors such as: walking speed, distance traveled, weight, and terrain, where traveling at high distances burns more than flat roads.


·       It strengthens your heart:

 During exercise the heart becomes more efficient and delivers more oxygen and nutrients to other organs. Walking for thirty minutes a day and at least four days a week can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.


·       Helps reduce blood sugar levels:

 Walking short distances after eating reduces blood sugar, as it was observed that walking for fifteen minutes three times a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner reduces blood sugar levels.


·       Relieves joint pain:

 Walking regularly strengthens joints because softens and strengthens the muscles that support the joints, and it also reduces arthritis and arthritis pain for people who suffer from it.


·       Enhances the function of the immune system:

 One of important walking benefits, it fights colds, influenza, and respiratory infection by walking moderately for thirty to forty-five minutes.


·       Enhances body energy:

 Walking improves blood flow, which increases the amount of oxygen reaching the cells and this contributes to the increase in the secretion of some hormones such as: cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine, and these hormones help in raising energy levels.


·       Improves mood: 

Walking for thirty minutes a day for three days a week helps reduce anxiety, depression and bad mood and boosts self-esteem and self-confidence.


·       Prolong life:

 walking regularly helps reduce the risk of diseases leading to death, such as: cardiovascular disease and cancer.


·       Strengthens the legs:

 Walking helps with other sports such as: cycling and jogging to strengthen the leg muscles.


·       Improves creative activity: 

walking improves creative thinking. It stimulates our creativity potential; a study conducted by Stanford University of America found that walking can enhance creative production by 60%. Whether walking inside or outside the home, it enhances creativity even after the activity itself ends.


·       The benefits of walking on mental health: 

The benefits of walking in psychology for adults and children are numerous, as it has a great impact on the health and safety of human mental, which makes it one of the sports activities that are suitable for our bodies and mental health.

     Due to the many health benefits of walking on physical and psychological health and the ease of doing it without the need for any expensive devices, this makes walking a favorite sport for many people.

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مدونة العبقري التعليمية