مدونة العبقري التعليمية مدونة العبقري التعليمية

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Shapes And Space - Inside / Outside - Smaller / Bigger - Top-Bottom / nearer-farther - Shapes arround us


Shapes And Space

- Inside / Outside

- Smaller / Bigger

- Top-Bottom / nearer-farther

- Shapes arround us

- Inside / Outside

Explore the differences between inside versus outside, with this sorting and categorizing worksheet. Which items belong outside and which belong inside? Are there any that could be okay both outside and inside? Why?

- Smaller / Bigger

All living things come in different shapes and sizes. Help your little one determine which of these items are BIG and which are small! She/he will be honing her/his logic and reasoning as she/he learns to categorize different objects.

- Top-Bottom / nearer-farther

Print out this sheets to help your child understand the difference between these words : topbottom / nearer - farther.

- Shapes arround us

Kids will learn about shapes, colors, with this multi-skill practice page. and worksheets like this one can help establish a strong foundation for the math skills ahead.

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مدونة العبقري التعليمية